Lenti a contatto colorate: vedere il mondo a colori

Lenti a contatto colorate – Adore colored contact lenses

Le lenti a contatto cosmetiche sono oggi molto diffuse.

Soprattutto in Medio Oriente le donne utilizzano le lenti a contatto cosmetiche come accessorio di moda.

Le LAC(lenti a contatto) sono diventate un trend di bellezza, un must-have per modificare il proprio sguardo.

Utilizzate inizialmente come accessorio per completare look da cosplay (cioè di personaggi di manga e cartoni animati), le lenti a contatto cosmetiche hanno acquistato sempre più un ruolo preponderante nel quotidiano. Perché? Per modificare e personalizzare il proprio look senza ricorrere a qualcosa di permanente.

Dove possono essere acquistate? Oltre agli e-commerce ufficiali dei vari brand (www.adorelenses.com) trovi le lenti cosmetiche anche nei negozi di ottica, dove puoi chiedere consiglio al tuo ottico, esperto in materia.

Per saperne di più contattaci: info@eyemed.it

Make you always beautiful ??

Quarantine life can sometimes be monotonous and we think there are not any excitement to take care of ourselves.

These are difficult days for everyone, we look forward to the end of this “dark times”

To be able to move on, however, we must take the first step, showing positivity and never losing hope.

We find strength in the little things, for example by not forgetting to think about our beauty routine. ??
Let’s do it for ourselves, never forget to always feel alive and beautiful!

Have fun creating cool make-up using Adore contact lenses, 3 months replacement lenses that give a touch of beauty to your look.

Run now on the website and discover all 33 nuances -> GO TO THE STORE 

Important Tips for you from Adore

Are you always busy with your daily activities?

Here some useful tips to save some time in wearing your contact lenses!

Attention to expiration date: never use lenses beyond the recommended time!

Hydrate your eyes: use moisturizing drops to relieve the symptoms of dry eyes induced by contact lenses, keeping them hydrated and preventing irritation.

Take care of your lenses: use a multipurpose solution to clean and disinfect your contact lenses. Remember to change the solution every time you put the lenses in the caselenses.

Last tip: Give your eyes a break, relaxation is important!

Run now to Adore official store www.adorelenses.com

Why to choose Adore?

Are your asking why to choose Adore colored contact lenses?

Let’s check out something interested about Adore world!

“Excellent”: this is how our colored contact lenses are evaluated. We are not the only one saying this, feedbacks come from people who tried Adore lenses and instanlty fell in love with the lenses.

5 collections including 33 different colors to satisfy both those who want a very natural final effect and those who prefer to completely change their look.

Try on ADORE lenses now, don’t loose more time & and you’ll discover how easy it is to enhance or change your eyesook!

If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to contact us. 

We’ll wait for you on www.adorelenses.com

The best look for Christmas

It’s getting very close to Christmas time, have you already thought of your perfect make-up for these special days?

Best makeup artists say to opt for nude eyeshadow with a sparkling touch up or down eyelid.

But the real must have are a bright red lipstick and amazing Adore contact lenses!

33 colors, 5 collections, corrective powers for mypia and hipemetropia.

Visit the gold world of Adore on www.adorelenses.com and discover all fashion beauty secrets!