Why to choose Adore?

Are your asking why to choose Adore colored contact lenses?

Let’s check out something interested about Adore world!

“Excellent”: this is how our colored contact lenses are evaluated. We are not the only one saying this, feedbacks come from people who tried Adore lenses and instanlty fell in love with the lenses.

5 collections including 33 different colors to satisfy both those who want a very natural final effect and those who prefer to completely change their look.

Try on ADORE lenses now, don’t loose more time & and you’ll discover how easy it is to enhance or change your eyesook!

If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to contact us. 

We’ll wait for you on www.adorelenses.com

Things to avoid when wearing contact lenses

3 Things to avoid when wearing contact lenses:

1. Don’t let your eyes dry up  

Being often in contact with PC screens, computers or tablets increases the dryness of your eyes. Eye drops help to deeply hydrate the eyes, avoiding the dryness that contact lenses can generate.

2. Wear contact lenses as soon as you are awake
we advice you to wait a few minutes, maybe take a shower, get dressed, have breakfast and then wear your ADORE lenses.



3. Remove make-up before removing contact lenses 

Matching colored ADORE lenses with shades of eye shadow, eye liner and lipstick is fun, but when it’s time to remove make-up, remember to remove the lenses first and then remove the make-up.



For more information don’t hesitate to contact us or visit  www.adorelenses.com  you will find 33 amazing colors, news and tips.